For years, I’ve been simultaneously puzzled, astonished and amused by those who boil their rice in an excess of water, then drain and wash out …

Adventures in Cookery from the Far East … of London
For years, I’ve been simultaneously puzzled, astonished and amused by those who boil their rice in an excess of water, then drain and wash out …
Stir-fried vegetables with noodles and seared salmon fillets is a simple dish that’s quick to make once you’ve washed and prepared the veg. The principles …
Here’s a Chinese marinade my dear old Dad taught me when I was knee-high to a grasshopper, Grasshopper. It’s a basic one made from crushed …
OK, this could have been a disaster.I’d knocked up a quick scrambled eggs on buttered wholemeal toast for brunch today, using the organic potato, sweet …
I’ve seen people struggling with all sorts of ways to prepare crushed garlic for cooking. One of the more tedious tasks, it’s usually foisted onto …
Instant. Usually a word to strike terror into the heart of a proper foodie when prefacing consumables such as “coffee”. But, as when it renders …
What’s in the Chinese kitchen? I can usually knock up a tasty east Asian meal at a moment’s notice without having to send Loved One …
Welcome to my new blog, Anna Chen Eats, in which I explore all aspects of one of my favourite subjects in the whole wide world: …